We offer a hand-picked selection of special tools for Model Horse Hobbyists and general miniature work, as well as items exclusive to Rio Rondo.
Scrape seams off resin sculptures like peeling a carrot! These fine hand tools are produced exclusively by Rio Rondo, and are a must-have for any artisan. These scrapers are usable on a variety of materials. Durable and safe — our scrapers the ultimate prepping tools.
Fine-tipped needle-nose pliers, knotting pliers, super-small round-nose pliers, flush cutters and hemostats are all needed items on anyone's workbench.
Six needle files in a handy case, for removing seams and flash from castings, burs and nubs from etchings and more!
Hobby knives are the best choice for cutting accurate slots and holes in leather items, removing seams from plastic and resin models, and for skiving thin layers from the back of leather.
Featuring a special selection of Leather Stamps suitable for miniature leatherworking projects, and a mallet to use with them. Also, a leather-carving "swivel knife" and blades for tooling leather.
Fine-Tipped tweezers are just the tool for handling small items
Add evenly-spaced "stitch" hole marks on leather with a rolling Pounce Wheel. Our Bead Pick/Awl will help sort and pick up tiny beads, and can be used like a pencil to pierce holes in leather lace straps, or add tiny "stitch" hole marks in tight areas where a pounce wheel won't go.
Small Diamond bead reamers you can use to open up holes of beads or etchings, when you need them to fit bigger string, wire, rings or other fasteners.
Double-ended stylus sculpting tool that works for epoxy putty, clay and even shapes tooling leather.
A pin vise with collets than can hold stick pins, bead reamers, drill bits and even Carbide Scraper tips.